Okay, so I will admit that I haven't been the MOST pleasant and happy pregnant woman. My temper has been short, my nerves have been thin, and my tolerance for almost everything stupid or negative has been LOW, which it is anyway but pregnancy has made it even lower. I feel like I'm about to BURST at any moment with ANGER! And the sad thing is, I'm actually very happy right now. Why wouldn't I be? What do I NOT have to be thankful for? Absolutely NOTHING! I have a beautiful house over my head, I have some money to pay my bills and a little extra, I have a man that adores me, and a little girl on the way. My family loves me, and I have awesome friends. I have the opportunity to go on an amazing vacation in a couple weeks: the kind of vacation I have actually NEVER been on before. So what is making me so irritable? My hormones, of course. But for what reason?
I think most of it is human stupidity and ignorance. I hate to sound all high and mighty, and I will be the first to tell you that I don't know everything. Frankly, I don't know a lot of stuff. Sometimes, my common sense DOES go away. So I am in no way perfect and I don't claim to be. But the part that bugs the crap out of me about people is the people that THINK they DO know it all. The people that will not take "NO" for an answer. The snobby people. The spoiled people. The cocky people. The people that don't do their research before they make a move. THOSE people...I honestly have NO room for in my life. Period. Which is why, for example, I want to get out of the industry I'm in right now. It's pretty bad when work makes you mad. When your place of employment makes you want to quit every single day. I blame my job for 95% of the negativity in my life. Honestly. That's not good. But it's not just the guests and co-workers I work with everyday. I also have friends and family that are like that as well. But, there is really no way of getting rid of them....
I have had a lot of friends and family that make jokes about me writing a book about my job. And I have actually seriously considered it. In fact, I put all my posts on FB about the stupid comments and questions I get everyday in one place. It's a good way to let out my frustrations...by writing about them. Hence the reason I have a blog in the first place. So, I am going to USE this blog to express my opinions. That's what they are, opinions so I hope I don't offend anyone. Now, I know that most people will say "You can't let stuff get to you so much." Well, unfortunately, I do. That's how I'm wired. I can't help it. So you can save that argument because it doesn't work with me.
I think this world we live in is so screwed up to begin with. No idea where it started exactly, but people are so spoiled these days! Spoiled, stuck up, and stubborn. I think a lot of it has to do with the fact that nobody takes "no" for an answer. Everyone wants things their way, and nobody wants to settle for less. The settling for less part, I understand. But there comes a time in life where "no" has to suffice. It's a fact of life: you don't always get your way. Period. You SHOULD have learned that in grade school. Obviously no one took that lesson with them....or maybe they had THOSE parents to fought with the teachers all the time, the ones who insisted that "their little Jimmy would never do such things...." when in fact "Little Jimmy" is the main bully of the school...I have fought and fought and fought against people like that my entire life. I just don't understand it.
I remember a few years ago, I was working at the YMCA in Hendersonville and there was a little boy named David...basically everyone that worked there was intimidated by his mother, and I found out very quickly why. I actually considered being a teacher at one point, and this kid completely changed my mind about it. Some people may think that to be cowardly, but I knew that if there were kids like that out there, I didn't want to have anything to do with them. Anyway, let's talk about what he did. There was a little girl who was selling candy bars for a fundraiser. David wanted one. Did David have the money to buy one? No. Was he asking everyone in the room for money? Yes. I told him "David, if you do not have the money to buy the candy bar, then you don't get the candy bar." He pitched a FIT! So, I put him in time out for 10 mins. In the meantime, another little girl had laid her candy bar that she had bought with her own money on top of the tv. Probably not the brightest idea, but hey, she was like 7. So, when David got out of time-out, what did he do? He marched right on over there and grabbed the candy bar and ate it. Oh, man was I furious. So, I put him in time-out again, and this time I made him write 25 sentences: I will not steal. When he was done, he turned them into me and before I left work that night, I gave the sentences to the front desk and asked them to turn them into his mother when she was done exercising. They smiled at me, gave me a pat on the back and said "That's awesome. I wish we had the courage to do that." I wasn't really sure what they meant by that, because it was pretty easy for me. But obviously, I hadn't met David's mother yet. The very next day, she marched in and TOLD ME OFF! "MY SON IS NOT A THIEF AND YOU ARE MAKING HIM OUT TO BE ONE." I said "Ma'am, I saw him with my own eyes take that little girls candy bar. In my eyes, and every one else here, that is called stealing. I never said he was a thief. He is only 7 years old. He made a mistake, and he was punished for it." She said "Well my son said he didn't steal anything." Right. Your 7 year old son said he didn't steal anything and just because he said it, just because he probably boo hooed to you and pitched a fit and said he didn't do it, you believe him and now you're gonna come yell at me about it. I wish I could say that I got my point across to her, but I didn't. I ended up leaving that job very soon after that, and never going into a job that required working with children again, which is a shame because I always thought being a teacher would be a great job. I used to PLAY school when I came home from school. But after that little incident, and knowing that there would be more children like that, and knowing that if I had to put up with those children and their parents on a daily basis, I would hate my life.
I'm going to get off on a short tangent here about that: It starts during childhood. Example: In what era did "spanking" become "wrong"? Seriously. I don't understand it. There is NOTHING wrong with simply popping your child a few times on the butt with your hand. There is a huge difference in spanking and beating. HUGE difference. Anyway, that's a whole different tangent for a different day.
But really, when did parents start believing everything their child said? Taking their childrens side instead of the grown adult and the authoritive figure? Well, maybe it was when people of authority that were in charge of children became so corrupt. Ok, I can understand that parents are wary now. But honestly, when my little girl is born, when she does something wrong, (notice I said "when" not "if") she will be punished for it, case closed. End of story. That's the only way she is going to learn right from wrong. What do you do when your dog poops where he shouldn't? You stick his nose in it right? After a couple times, he understands, 'Oh, I'm not supposed to poop there." Same with children. They do something wrong, you punish them. Eventually they learn that they can't do that and they stop. Well, most of them.
Anyway, I digress. My point is, I don't understand why grown adults act like children. I guess it's a fact of life that I'm going to have to learn as well: they just don't. People want it their way or no way at all. It drives me absolutely crazy, yes. But there is absolutely nothing I can do about it. I can't change the people, but I CAN change my career. I CAN change the people I associate myself with. This job has made me a very sad person. Or maybe I should say the people I have to deal with. Mankind. Working in this position, I have become a little more prejudiced than I would like. The fact I'm even predjudiced at all bothers me. But I am. I have begun stereotyping every single kind of person I deal with. For the sake of not insulting anyone, I will not go into which race is what: cheapest, most spoiled, most stubborn etc. But I hate that it has even come down to that. But it's true.
Okay, I feel much better now. Now, if this phone will just stop ringing....
Tuesday, September 20, 2011
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