Before I start this, let me just warn my readers that I will get mean. I am simply speaking my mind...and its meant for plain entertainment. So enjoy! And Father God, please forgive me in advance.
I'm not sure what it is with me and rude, ignorant and slobby people, but I have zero tolerance for them. Now, having said that, some people classify me as a slob. I'm not a slob...I'm unorganized. What's my definition of a slob? 5 words: the people I live with. I won't mention what nationality they are, because I don't want to insult any of my readers by stereotyping, but it's been very hard to stay NON-prejudiced since living here. Just sayin.
Picture this if you will: the building Rick and I live in is a 3 bedroom, 2 bath townhome with an attached mother in law apartment. The woman who is on the lease is basically running this place like a flippin boarding house for the homeless. No joke. Rick and I have half of the mother in law apartment and one of the woman's bum, good for nothing 45 year old loser male friends has the other half. Now, the man is basically a man-whore: different girl every weekend. Until recently, the same girl seems to be over allll the time. Congrats, David, let's see if this ones a keeper! Plus, he has his 2 bratty lazy and inconsiderate kids here for the summer. Great. The woman has her 19 year old bum of a son living here: this kid is basically a waste. Seriously. High School drop out. Criminal. Has zero drive in life except to eat, smoke pot, drink, play his x-box all day and be the biggest slob on the planet. But we'll get to that in a second. There is the womans other friend...I guess her "lay of the week" as well...only thing bad I can say about him is he takes my parking spot all the time. And there is dear sweet Danny. He is the ONLY person in this crazy house I can stand. He is here to try and "shape up" the son. It's not workin very well though, and I believe the poor kid is about to give up. Let me throw in here now that Rick and I are the ONLY ones paying rent. Yup. The woman who is running this household inherited her mothers car and doesn't have the money to get a parking permit for it, but parties every night and blows her money on pot an booze. Here's an idea: WHY DON'T YOU EITHER STOP PARTYING OR START CHARGING EVERY OTHER FLIPPIN PERSON IN THIS HOUSE SOME RENT SO YOU CAN PAY THE 50 DOLLARS FOR THE PARKING PERMIT AND STOP GETTING YOUR JUNKY A** CAR TOWED ALL THE TIME....IDIOT!!!!! People in this house have NO common sense whatsoever. And they get mad at us when we complain about them slamming doors and furniture and jumping up and down upstairs at 3 am when we, the only 2 working people in this joint have to work the next morning. But if I'm not mistaken, and I don't believe I am, I think since we are the only 2 ppl paying any kind of rent in this place, we have every right to complain. Don't you. Oh and another thing: this place was SO nice when Rick first moved in, minus the ugly teal colored carpet. Now, its a flippin junk house. Doors falling off the hinges (from people not knowing how to gently SHUT them...), oven broken, washer and dryer broken....etc etc... let's get into about why "the son", Michael, is such a slob. And its not just him...its his 40 yr old mother too. Picture this: everyday I come in, the house smells like cig smoke, rotten food and I have to hold my breath to unlock our door to our apt or else, since my gag reflex is so sensitive, I barf. Yea, not pretty. I DO NOT go into the kitchen unless I absolutely HAVE to use the microwave (since the man whore has the kitchen part of our suite...leaving us with a mini fridge only...) but when I do go into the kitchen, I find eaten strawberries lying on the counter, with only the leaves overflowing trash can..(which pisses me off first of all cause its so overflowing there are flies and cockroaches everywhere). NASTY floor, looks like it hasnt been mopped or sweeped in years....ummm....yesterday for instance, I found an empty can of Chef Boy Ardee with the sauce all over it, right next to the bowl they poured the contents into, and ate non of it then left the whole bowl there for 2 days. I'll stop there just for the sake of NOT grossing you out further. But the point is, the kitchen is nasty. They only clean when the landlord comes or her mom visits. and I dont think anyone in this household except myself, Danny and Rick know how to wash a dish.
So you can imagine why I want to get the HELL out of here, especially since we have a baby on the way. Luckily we have found a house FAR away from here all to ourselves that we are very excited to move into the first week of August. So not too much longer here.
Then there is the rudeness of the household. Remember the manwhore who has his kids staying over for the summer? Well since Rick and I don't have a fridge to keep a lot of stuff in, sometimes we have to use the main fridge in the disgusting kitchen. The other day, we put half a half gallon of milk in there but not before OBSESSIVELY writing our names all over it. Usually, it would have been fine. But ever since David's despicable children have moved in, the things we put there somehow seem to disappear: the milk, the ice cream sandwiches, the pizza, etc. Yea, and David laughs about it when we say something. Plus, when we try to do laundry: good luck getting it all done at once. There is a good chance SOMEONE will come by and decide their laundry is more important, take your either CLEAN or SOAPY clothes and yes...THROW them on the nasty cockroach infested kitchen floor. So that when you come back, you have no choice but to do it again, and PRAY the next person doesn't do the same thing.
Oh, and let me also throw in here that Mr. Michael the slob is now set for life. He has no reason to find a job at all. The grandmother has agreed to give him a car and money whenever he asks and whenever he needs. Oh and she is buying him an apartment to. Yea. How MESSED UP is THAT? Like I said, he is a complete waste.
Let's touch on the zero tolerance for rudeness now. It happens to me everyday, if you wanna consider the IDIOTIC RUDE drivers here in Orlando. (Who gives foreigners cars and why are we letting them drive????) But that's not all. I'm talking about COMMANDING me to do things. For example, "give me this...give me that..." Oh, and the people at work who CONSTANTLY steal my things: phone did your MANNERS go? I won't even begin to mention the rude guests I deal with. Although I will say this to all my readers: when you go on vacation, please please please try to keep in mind, and this is coming from a Front Desk Clerks POV, YOU are on VACATION. I am not. I am working. There is absolutely NO reason for you to complain about the VIEW of your room when you have a full week planned of theme parks all day every day. Right? Try and limit your complaints....seriously. And if you don't, then don't expect your trip to be any easier.
Last but not least, ignorance. Omg. I know people say there is no such thing as a dumb question. Well, I'm going to call BS on that one. Or maybe I should rephrase that: There IS a such thing as people not THINKING before they SPEAK. For future reference, do NOT ask a prego woman ridiculously stupid questions and if you do, be prepared to either get smacked, a smartass response, or made to feel like the biggest idiot in the world by the look she has on her face. Got it? =)
In conclusion I want to say one thing: I try to be as optimistic as possible. Being pregnant and having my hormones go in completely crazy directions has not helped that out at all....however I have managed to stay somewhat optimistic. I am not one to complain about much...although I did complain at a restaurant for the very first time on Fathers Day....that was fun. Point is, you'll have to excuse me and just take my ranting as pure entertainment, and just something to give you a laugh. I hope none of my readers think less of me, and if you do...well, then stop reading now! =)
Tuesday, June 28, 2011
Friday, June 24, 2011
What Happened To The Rules We Learned In Kindergarten?
As I approach this adventure of becoming a new mommy, I am so excited I can hardly stand it. I am excited about the adventure in itself, but most of all I'm excited to be a MOMMY. To have this little life to teach things, love on, and be his/her number one fan.
But though I'm excited, I'm scared to death. For obvious reasons. Will I REALLY know what to do when they are sick? What if something happens? Am I going to be able to give my child the life he/she deserves? And the big question: What if I screw them up? What if my child becomes like every other child on this planet that have no respect for anyone or anything around them because of me?
You see, these days, kids are NOTHING like what they used to be. Respect for elders, much less respect for ANYONE has diminished. I swear, if I had spoke to my parents the way some of these kids today do (or even kids MY age do), I would have had my REAR END WORE OUT and grounded til the END of TIME. Even grown adults have zero respect for each other anymore. It's sad.
My main issue is what happened to all those rules everyone learned in Kindergarten? The most BASIC and IMPORTANT rules a person can learn? I think Robert Fulghum had most of it right in All I Really Need To Know I Learned In Kindergarten:
Share everything.
Play fair.
Don't hit people.
Put things back where you found them.
Clean up your own mess.
Don't take things that aren't yours.
Say you're sorry when you hurt somebody.
Wash your hands before you eat.
Warm cookies and cold milk are good for you.
Live a balanced life - learn some and think some
and draw and paint and sing and dance and play
and work every day some.
Take a nap every afternoon.
When you go out into the world, watch out for traffic,
hold hands, and stick together.
Be aware of wonder.
Remember the little seed in the styrofoam cup:
The roots go down and the plant goes up and nobody
really knows how or why, but we are all like that.
Goldfish and hamsters and white mice and even
the little seed in the Styrofoam cup - they all die.
So do we.
And then remember the Dick-and-Jane books
and the first word you learned - the biggest
word of all - LOOK.
But I think he left out one thing: When someone is speaking, you don't. Raise your hand to be called on. I mean don't you think so? I'll tell you why I'm going on this rant. So many times people miscommunicate, are hurt, don't get their fair share of something because NOBODY LISTENS TO THEM. Everyone is so self absorbed these days with the mind set of "its my way or the highway". Almost like "I'm right, you're wrong and I know it and I don't want to stop and think for a second that it's the other way around." We are all stubborn and self-absorbed, rude human beings. I'm not saying I'm not guilty because I am. I've just come to realize it recently.
Having said that, and working in the Hotel business, let's add a side note here. Just because you do listen to someone, and hear their point of view doesn't mean they will be right. For instance, (and I'm just speaking in Hotel terms)
"I had a reservation to come to your hotel tomorrow and I need to cancel. My son is in the hospital and I know that I have booked with a 3rd party and my reservation is non-cancellable and I know your rule is that you need documentation that my son is in the hospital but I'm not able to provide that so can you please just make an exception?"
Well, of course the answer would be no. But before I jump the gun and interrupt him before he speaks, like most people would do, I listen first. I listen to his issue, and I sympathize with him, and NICELY give him the bad news. What is so hard about taking that extra step to listen? Because we are all selfish people. I mean it's natural, that's how we are built. But that's also why you have these rules that you learn WAY back in the early stages to TEACH you RIGHT FROM WRONG and how to deal with yourself.
How many times have you felt this way: "Yes, I know I'm wrong, but can you just listen to me and sympathize with me for 2 seconds before you shut me down completely?" I rest my case. The GOLDEN RULE is a good illustration for that...
What happened to COMPASSION? What happened to LOVE? What happened to RESPECT? What happened to COMMUNICATION? I am making it a point to bang it in my child's head to LISTEN to all people and THINK before you SPEAK. Not to make him/her a wimp by any means; of course I'm going to teach self-defense as well. But AFTER they LISTEN. I think if everyone could live by that rule too, just like it was back in Kindergarten, this world would be so much happier, and we may even come together a little bit more. Join me?
But though I'm excited, I'm scared to death. For obvious reasons. Will I REALLY know what to do when they are sick? What if something happens? Am I going to be able to give my child the life he/she deserves? And the big question: What if I screw them up? What if my child becomes like every other child on this planet that have no respect for anyone or anything around them because of me?
You see, these days, kids are NOTHING like what they used to be. Respect for elders, much less respect for ANYONE has diminished. I swear, if I had spoke to my parents the way some of these kids today do (or even kids MY age do), I would have had my REAR END WORE OUT and grounded til the END of TIME. Even grown adults have zero respect for each other anymore. It's sad.
My main issue is what happened to all those rules everyone learned in Kindergarten? The most BASIC and IMPORTANT rules a person can learn? I think Robert Fulghum had most of it right in All I Really Need To Know I Learned In Kindergarten:
Share everything.
Play fair.
Don't hit people.
Put things back where you found them.
Clean up your own mess.
Don't take things that aren't yours.
Say you're sorry when you hurt somebody.
Wash your hands before you eat.
Warm cookies and cold milk are good for you.
Live a balanced life - learn some and think some
and draw and paint and sing and dance and play
and work every day some.
Take a nap every afternoon.
When you go out into the world, watch out for traffic,
hold hands, and stick together.
Be aware of wonder.
Remember the little seed in the styrofoam cup:
The roots go down and the plant goes up and nobody
really knows how or why, but we are all like that.
Goldfish and hamsters and white mice and even
the little seed in the Styrofoam cup - they all die.
So do we.
And then remember the Dick-and-Jane books
and the first word you learned - the biggest
word of all - LOOK.
But I think he left out one thing: When someone is speaking, you don't. Raise your hand to be called on. I mean don't you think so? I'll tell you why I'm going on this rant. So many times people miscommunicate, are hurt, don't get their fair share of something because NOBODY LISTENS TO THEM. Everyone is so self absorbed these days with the mind set of "its my way or the highway". Almost like "I'm right, you're wrong and I know it and I don't want to stop and think for a second that it's the other way around." We are all stubborn and self-absorbed, rude human beings. I'm not saying I'm not guilty because I am. I've just come to realize it recently.
Having said that, and working in the Hotel business, let's add a side note here. Just because you do listen to someone, and hear their point of view doesn't mean they will be right. For instance, (and I'm just speaking in Hotel terms)
"I had a reservation to come to your hotel tomorrow and I need to cancel. My son is in the hospital and I know that I have booked with a 3rd party and my reservation is non-cancellable and I know your rule is that you need documentation that my son is in the hospital but I'm not able to provide that so can you please just make an exception?"
Well, of course the answer would be no. But before I jump the gun and interrupt him before he speaks, like most people would do, I listen first. I listen to his issue, and I sympathize with him, and NICELY give him the bad news. What is so hard about taking that extra step to listen? Because we are all selfish people. I mean it's natural, that's how we are built. But that's also why you have these rules that you learn WAY back in the early stages to TEACH you RIGHT FROM WRONG and how to deal with yourself.
How many times have you felt this way: "Yes, I know I'm wrong, but can you just listen to me and sympathize with me for 2 seconds before you shut me down completely?" I rest my case. The GOLDEN RULE is a good illustration for that...
What happened to COMPASSION? What happened to LOVE? What happened to RESPECT? What happened to COMMUNICATION? I am making it a point to bang it in my child's head to LISTEN to all people and THINK before you SPEAK. Not to make him/her a wimp by any means; of course I'm going to teach self-defense as well. But AFTER they LISTEN. I think if everyone could live by that rule too, just like it was back in Kindergarten, this world would be so much happier, and we may even come together a little bit more. Join me?
Monday, June 20, 2011
Pregnancy: Fun, Exciting, and Stressful!
So let's back up a bit (and catch up) from what I talked about in my last blog....
First of all, I was not 16 weeks....only 7....which makes me 13 weeks tomorrow. We found that out at our first ultrasound. That was an amazing experience. Knowing you're pregnant is one thing, but then seeing your baby for the first time is both CONFIRMING and so REWARDING. Getting to hear the heartbeat is an entirely different feeling too. Being pregnant, if you're anything like me, you constantly worry about if that little life inside of you is okay: if you're eating the right things, if you're being active enough or too much, if putting objects on your belly is safe. (i.e. balancing a laptop on it, having the chihuahua climb all over it...) I know the doctor tells you not to stress, but I tell ya, and excuse my french, that's damn near impossible! So when you get to hear the heartbeat, and actually SEE your baby moving and SEE the heart beating on the screen, it's just so comforting and reassuring that everything is okay.

But being pregnant isn't all stress and sickness. It's also fun and exciting! The preparing and "nesting" part is a blast! Think about it. If any bone in your body, stirrup or femur, is creative, you enjoy the nesting part. You get to decorate an entire room from scratch, not out of (complete) want, but out of NECESSITY! Um, YES! The only thing that sucks about it for me right now, is I have no nursery to decorate. Which is also a good thing because since I don't know what the sex is yet, I can't decorate a nursery even if I did have one. But you better believe it that the SECOND I find out, I will start planning!
Registering was fun too. Kind of on the stressful part, but fun. This will sound awful, but if we're all honest adults here, its SO true: registering is like going on a big shopping spree without spending any money, but with the expectation of spending other peoples money. Lol, am I right? Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't it true that you're not HALF as concerned about the prices of things as you would be if you were buying it all your own. That's the fun part. The stressful part was having the daddy go with you. Never making that mistake again. I love him, but geez. I know what I want, I know what I need, I know why I need it. Do not question me! (tee hee)
Another exciting but stressful part is the naming part. For one, I don't know what the sex is. I have a pretty good feeling that it's a girl, but I could be wrong. But then the name I did like, Cady Sophia....*sigh*....everyone around me says "CAdy?" noo....its And then there's the thinking of the boy names. Which is also hard because it seems to me like there isn't half as many boy names in the world as there are girls. And there are SO many boys in my family that have BEAUTIFUL names, it leaves my choices slim. (haha) But I'm sure that will come together with a little help from my friends =)
Please keep us in your prayers. This baby is going to be an adventure for us, and will change our lives, but we are SO excited! Please pray for a safe pregnancy and healthy delivery for our little "Peanut".
Registering was fun too. Kind of on the stressful part, but fun. This will sound awful, but if we're all honest adults here, its SO true: registering is like going on a big shopping spree without spending any money, but with the expectation of spending other peoples money. Lol, am I right? Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't it true that you're not HALF as concerned about the prices of things as you would be if you were buying it all your own. That's the fun part. The stressful part was having the daddy go with you. Never making that mistake again. I love him, but geez. I know what I want, I know what I need, I know why I need it. Do not question me! (tee hee)
Another exciting but stressful part is the naming part. For one, I don't know what the sex is. I have a pretty good feeling that it's a girl, but I could be wrong. But then the name I did like, Cady Sophia....*sigh*....everyone around me says "CAdy?" noo....its And then there's the thinking of the boy names. Which is also hard because it seems to me like there isn't half as many boy names in the world as there are girls. And there are SO many boys in my family that have BEAUTIFUL names, it leaves my choices slim. (haha) But I'm sure that will come together with a little help from my friends =)
Please keep us in your prayers. This baby is going to be an adventure for us, and will change our lives, but we are SO excited! Please pray for a safe pregnancy and healthy delivery for our little "Peanut".
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