
Saturday, September 15, 2012

30 Things You May Or May Not Know About Me

Oh, this is going to be fun!

  1. I was born with hypothyroidism....meaning my thyroid gland is underactive. Actually, I was born without a thyroid gland at all. Hah, I remember one of my middle school gym teachers who had this same problem. I have always had a problem with my medicine (taking them when I should, etc) and one time in middle school, I got sick. I had to sit out of gym class for a full week. That said teacher (won't mention names) came up to me and told me that whoever said I was born without a gland was full of it because there is no such thing as someone not born without an organ. Needless to say, my mother was PISSED!
  2. I love to sing, singing is my favorite =) P!NK is my favorite. I love watching American Idol, X-Factor, America's Got Talent...and Glee. And everytime I do, I go "practice" singing. It's fun. =)
  3. Not only do I love singing but I love music. Music is my outlet.
  4. I am a proud mama of a beautiful little girl, Alexis Sofia. She came into the world on December 29 2011 at 9:19pm and weighed 8 lbs 3oz. She is the LOVE of my whole life!
  5. I am married to my best friend, Rick =)
  6. I am from a little town in a little corner of the world called Brevard, NC. 30 minutes outside of Asheville. It was named the coolest small town in America, and yea. It is pretty dang cool.
  7. I have a gap between my 2 front teeth that I'm pretty self concious about. Although I've gotten kind of used to it.
  8. My childhood best friend, Julianna, and I have never fought. No joke. 23 years and not one fight.
  9. I am the youngest of 3 girls. My sisters are Mandi and Erin. I have a love/hate relationship with being the baby of the family.
  10. I have abnormally long toes. My mama always used to tell me that I could play piano with my toes...and I think I gave that trait to my daughter as well.
  11. I have very short nails. I am envious of those of you who can paint cool designs on your nails and it actually look good.
  12. I am a Disney fanatic. My favorite Disney movie would probably have to be Cinderella.
  13. Speaking of Disney and my favorite movie, I got to work in Cinderella's castle at Disneyworld in 2008. Best job ever. I just wish it would have paid better so I could have stayed there. =(
  14. Although my favorite Disney movie is one about the most popular princesses of Disney, when I found out I was having a girl, I didn't want her to have anything to do with "princess". I just didn't want her to get the mindset of being "spoiled" or better than anyone else.
  15. My favorite person in the world besides my husband and daughter is my grandmother, Cecelia, my name sake. I call her Nona.
  16. My favorite color is yellow. I'm just drawn to it. Ask my friends =)
  17. I have a fear of windows. During the day, they are fine. At night, not so much. I am scared that if I look through one of them at night I will see someone looking at me I think.
  18. My faith in God has brought me through so much in my life. No matter what I'm going through, God always seems to pull me through.
  19. I LOVE FLOWERS! My favorites are hydrangeas, peonies, and gerbera daisies.
  20. My favorite food is chicken. I'll eat it just about any way.
  21. I once got a job at Hampton Inn Brevard. Fell in love with my boss, Casey. Left and found out that she was related to me. Then came back and I'm here now. =) Couldn't stay away from Casey.
  22. I love to plan! I wanted to be an event planner or a travel agent at one point.
  23. I also write lists. A lot. I'm always writing some kind of list. Kind of like this one...
  24. I have a weakness for apple crisp, chocolate and cheesecake.
  25. I have a weird love for office supplies and books. If I had to recreate the movie "Where The Heart Is" and live in a store, it would either be Barnes and Noble or Staples.
  26. I hate hot weather. Warm weather is good...but overly hot, suffocating weather. Ugh. I would rather been cold than hot. You can always bundle up but you can only strip down so much...
  27. I am a Pinot Noir snob.
  28. My dream car is a Volvo s60.
  29. I love dressing up!
  30. If I could go and do anything in the world, I would want to tour the UK.

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