
Friday, September 14, 2012

Day 5: Men: Why I Love Them, and Why I Hate Them

Men. Can't live with them, can't live without them. They are just as much a part of "the circle of life" as women are. But as much as I love men, they can be super irritating as well:

1. Patronizing. 
I hate it when men do this. This has to be the number one thing that irritates me the most. If a woman is upset about something, she has her reasons. They may not seem "legitimate" to a man, but they are to a woman. So for a man to sit there and talk down to me, and treat me as if I'm a child and try to "talk me out" of feeling the way I just irritates me to death! 

2. Lying to spare your feelings.
This kind of goes hand in hand with the patronizing. When a man lies to you because he's afraid that if he told you the truth, you'd be hurt or angry. Here's the thing: when I find out about the lie, I'm going to be even MORE hurt and angry. I know that there are so many types of media out there that say that this is a good idea. But really, it's not. Maybe it was a good idea back in the day, I don't know. But these days, and I think I can probably speak for most women, it's best to tell us the truth even if you feel like it would hurt our feelings than to lie. (Lying by omission still counts as lying)

3. Turning off their brain to where they are literally thinking about NOTHING
This is really just irritating as all get out. Women for one are constantly thinking about SOMETHING. Our kids, chores, to-do list, work, dinner, whatever. It is absolutely mind boggling how men are able to just completely shut off their minds and think about NOTHING! It is so irritating to me (and for most women too) to ask a man "What are you thinking about?" and he answers back "Nothing"....because he really is thinking about nothing. How can you people not be thinking about ANYTHING????

4. Selfish human beings.
Now, there are some pretty selfLESS men out there. There are. And women can be just as selfish too. But women tend to be a little more selfLESS, I think, just because of that natural maternal instinct we have. I know that men sometimes don't INTEND to be selfish, but they really do come across that way. For example: the whole "What's In It For Me?" mindset. Women are constantly having to bribe men to get them to do stuff for them. "Will you please come shopping with me? I hear they are building a new [insert favorite type of store here] nearby so maybe we can stop there too!" or "Honey, can you please help me with dinner? I'll give you a back rub after." Why can't men just DO stuff, first of all without us asking them to, and secondly just out of the love in their heart? 

5. So concerned about their egos.
You're driving down the interstate with your Significant Other and heaven forbid, someone cuts him off in traffic. For me, personally, yea, it's irritating. I'll usually honk my horn, and sometimes if I'm REALLY mad, I'll flip a bird. Then I'm over it. I can get on with my day. Men on the other hand? Geez. Someone cuts him off in traffic, he breaks out in WW3. Not only does he lay on his horn, flip the bird, and shout curse words out the window, but he then crawls up on the other cars bumper and rides them for 5 miles, not only putting HIMSELF and your family (or whoever is in the car) in danger, but all the other drivers around him too. Then, we he gets the chance to get next to that person in traffic, he motions them to roll down their window (if it's another man, it's ON! if it's a woman, about 75% of the time, she ignores him lol), and then starts screaming at them. And if he's REALLY pissed off, and if the person that cut him off is a man as well, they'll pull over on the side of the interstate and fight it out. Just to prove that they are big and bad and tough. And NOBODY cuts HIM off in traffic. It has got to be one of the MOST childish things ever, to watch a man defend his precious ego. Grow up!

Now, I'm not a man hater. I'm married. I have a beautiful baby girl that would never have been in existence if it weren't for my husband. There are many things I love about men too:

1. The way they look when they're in deep concentration.
There is just something about a man fixing something or driving a car (without the road rage). Or deep in thought at work. I can't really describe it, but that furrowed look in his brow, the strain in his face, the slight pucker in his lips. I don't know what it is exactly, but when a man is in deep concentration, and you can see his brain working, it's one of the biggest turn ons for me.

2. Protectiveness
When you're snuggling with a man and he has his arms wrapped around you, or when you're in public and he has his hands around your waist, it's a great feeling. You feel PROTECTED, or at least I do. Like nothing in the world can ever hurt you because HE is there with you. It's an amazing feeling.

3. Sense of humor
The fact that a man CAN turn his brain off can be a good thing too. Men have a way of making light of bad situations by making jokes. Though it can be irritating at times if he does it in an inappropriate moment, it still does the job by taking away some stress. And a man who knows how to make a woman laugh is KEY!

4. Way of calming you down.
This goes hand in hand with the sense of humor. I don't know if it's true for other women, but for me, when I'm upset about something or stressed out or just need someone to talk to, I usually call my husband first. Not just because he's my best friend and my HUSBAND, but because he's a man. He has a way of putting things in different perspectives for me and to make me realize that perhaps I'm overreacting. Maybe the situation isn't as bad as I'm making it out to be. 

5. A man who's deeply in love with his woman
When a man loves his woman, you can tell. The way he looks at her, the way he's PROUD of her. The way he talks about her constantly and he gets all excited about it. Men are just so darn CUTE when they love their women. 

Men are interesting creatures. But so are women. Women are mysterious, and men will never understand the way we operate, as we will never understand the way they operate. That is the beauty of life, though. I think that if we DID understand each other, sure it would be easier, but it wouldn't be nearly as interesting.

Until tomorrow....

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