
Wednesday, September 12, 2012

My Take On Drugs and Alcohol

***Disclaimer: This is my opinion. Does not mean you have to agree and it is not open for debate.***

Drugs and alcohol. Two vices that are sadly becoming more and more accepting in this world. I have never done drugs, and I don't plan on it either, especially that I am a mother now. This is probably going to be a long post because I have much to say about this topic....

Ok. If you are an adult, 21 or older, having a drink every so often is perfectly fine.  I enjoy having a glass of wine every now and then. Even Jesus drank wine. There is a difference in drinking a glass or two of your favorite drink or cocktail, because you like the taste, and drinking excessively to the point of drunkenness. I'm sure that we all have been drunk at one point or another (including myself). I have to admit that it was fun. The aftermath? Not so fun. The vomitting and headache and nausea? HATE that feeling! 

If you want to talk about what the bible says about alcohol:

First of all, God says that we must obey the law. The law says it is illegal for anyone under the age of 21 to drink. So kids throwing parties and getting drunk, according to the Bible, is wrong. So that's where I stand on that. Doesn't mean I haven't done it, cause I have. But that doesn't make it right. 

If you are over 21, cool, have a glass of wine or two. Just don't get drunk. THAT is what the Bible says is sinful. (See Romans 13:13, Galatians 5:19-21, and 1 Peter 4:3). 

But regardless of what the Bible says or not, getting drunk is kind of ridiculous. It just causes you to do stupid stuff, say things you regret, and it can really be dangerous. Like I said before, I have done it. I even did it before I was 21. Not often, but I still did it a couple times. 

But if you still choose to drink and get drunk....for heaven sake, do NOT get behind the wheel of a car. If you don't have enough respect for yourself to not get behind the wheel and save your OWN life, choose to do it for those innocent souls around you. So many times these days do people get behind the wheel while intoxicated and end up killing themselves and others. It's quite sad and it's VERY avoidable. 

So bottom line: Occasional, non-drunkeness? Ok (in my opinion). Excessively drinking and getting drunk, not ok (in my opinion).

I don't even know why drugs were invented in the first place. It seems like the only thing they are good for is making people stupid, and they seem to be the HEART of crime. 

What most pot smokers think....

My point exactly...

If you want to go back to what the Bible says...
Again, God says you must obey the law. Drugs are illegal. Yes, Pot is illegal. Therefore it is wrong. It doesn't matter if YOU think that the law is wrong (it allows nicotine and alcohol but not pot). The law is the law is the law, and the Bible says you must obey the law. Case closed. 

Another reason drugs are wrong, according to the bible, is it destroys your body. Alcohol is included. We are supposed to treat our bodies as temples, not destroy them.

Now, many people disagree with me on the Pot thing. I choose not to do drugs because I don't feel like deliberately making myself stupid and killing all my brain cells. And, it's illegal. The day that Pot becomes legal, then fine. You do whatever you wanna do with it and I won't say anything else about it. It's your own body and obviously I won't change your mind because I really don't have an argument other than I personally do not want to partake in it. It stinks for one thing....

Have you ever noticed that people who do drugs tend to get into more trouble? And tend to get themselves KILLED? Think about it. If you are doing drugs, you have a dealer, right? You have to make sure that you pay your dealer. If you don't pay your dealer, you are either killed or tortured. And let me point out that drugs are SUPER expensive. What sane, smart, educated person (although there are many out there that still do it) would spend that $$ on purposely making themselves stupid, when you could use it for a nice vacation or new clothes or a down payment on a new car? Makes no sense to me. 

Bottom line, drugs and alcohol impair you and they can eventually kill you which is why there are so many laws against them. It is our job to obey and respect those laws because they are there for our protection. 

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